Patience Gained

One of the great side effects of playing the piano is the gaining of patience. As one gets into the complexities of study one learns that it takes time to perfect ones performance. You can’t force the issue, but you have to work and be patient. This is a great lesson in life. I love plants. I recently purchased an amaryllis. I love to watch these plants grow. They grow about an inch a day. It takes several weeks before the flower finally opens up and blooms, but it is such fun to watch the progress. And that is how it is with playing the piano. You make progress. Each day you get a little better. That is the importance of having patience … it doesn’t happen all at once.

I always play a piece for my students before it is assigned for them to learn, because I want them to enjoy the process and if they don’t like the work to begin with then the journey will not be pleasurable. And it is the journey that is so important. Life is a journey and we need patience for so much of it.

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